Architecture Area Training

CBBR – Basic BIM Course (Revit 40h)

CBS Training
CBS Training

Architecture Area Training

CBBR – Basic BIM Course

(Revit 40h)


If you need a complete initial vision of the Autodesk Revit program in its three disciplines (ARC) in the hands of professionals who have been using it for years, this is your course.

Without the need of previous knowledge of the software and starting from scratch, you will get to have a basic handling of the main functionalities, from modeling to the assembly of plans and the rendering of 3D images. Also during the course you will become familiar with the terminology, concepts, regulations and formats, etc., related to the world of BIM.

The training is planned in an eminently practical way and at the end of the course we will propose a project that you will complete by yourself, with the help you need from your teacher, applying the knowledge that has been seen during the classes.

The price includes everything necessary to attend classes: computer, licenses, notes, etc.

During the duration of the same you will have support via email, chat and personal tutorials with your teacher.

If you need a complete initial vision of the Autodesk Revit program in its three disciplines (ARC) in the hands of professionals who have been using it for years, this is your course.

Without the need of previous knowledge of the software and starting from scratch, you will get to have a basic handling of the main functionalities, from modeling to the assembly of plans and the rendering of 3D images. Also during the course you will become familiar with the terminology, concepts, regulations and formats, etc., related to the world of BIM.

The training is planned in an eminently practical way and at the end of the course we will propose a project that you will complete by yourself, with the help you need from your teacher, applying the knowledge that has been seen during the classes.

The price includes everything necessary to attend classes: computer, licenses, notes, etc.

During the duration of the same you will have support via email, chat and personal tutorials with your teacher.

CABR – Advanced BIM Course (Revit 50h)

CABR – Advanced BIM Course

(Revit 50h)


If you want to acquire a management beyond the simple operation of the Autodesk Revit program commands and learn how far you can go with each one of your disciplines, do not hesitate, this is your course. If you do not handle Revit, you can start with our basic BIM course, before continuing with it and you will also benefit from a 10% discount on the price of the advanced module.

Get an in-depth view of the software and how far you can go with each of its disciplines: configuration of a project, templates, import and export of files, multi-user work, analysis tools, parametric modeling, Revit families, topography, etc. .

If you know Revit but want to get the most out of it with an eminently practical course that teaches you to apply the most effective procedures for each of the needs of a project, do not hesitate. BIM goes beyond simple 3D modeling and also requires management skills that are not taught in manuals and tutorials.

You will see how we have solved the challenges that we have been facing throughout our extensive experience and you will learn how to best face the next challenges that you face in your professional career.

At the end of the course we will propose a project that you will complete by yourself, with the help you need from your teacher, applying the knowledge that has been seen during the classes.

The price includes everything necessary to attend classes: computer, licenses, notes, etc.

During the duration of the same you will have support via email, chat and personal tutorials with your teacher.

If you want to acquire a management beyond the simple operation of the Autodesk Revit program commands and learn how far you can go with each one of your disciplines, do not hesitate, this is your course. If you do not handle Revit, you can start with our basic BIM course, before continuing with it and you will also benefit from a 10% discount on the price of the advanced module.

Get an in-depth view of the software and how far you can go with each of its disciplines: configuration of a project, templates, import and export of files, multi-user work, analysis tools, parametric modeling, Revit families, topography, etc. .

If you know Revit but want to get the most out of it with an eminently practical course that teaches you to apply the most effective procedures for each of the needs of a project, do not hesitate. BIM goes beyond simple 3D modeling and also requires management skills that are not taught in manuals and tutorials.

You will see how we have solved the challenges that we have been facing throughout our extensive experience and you will learn how to best face the next challenges that you face in your professional career.

At the end of the course we will propose a project that you will complete by yourself, with the help you need from your teacher, applying the knowledge that has been seen during the classes.

The price includes everything necessary to attend classes: computer, licenses, notes, etc.

During the duration of the same you will have support via email, chat and personal tutorials with your teacher.