
CBS attends the conference organized by INDRA-MINSAIT and IBM France regarding BIM and Blockchain

CBS attends the conference organized by INDRA-MINSAIT and IBM France related to BIM and Blockchain, along with other professionals from the industrial AECO (Architecture, Engineering and Construction) of important Spanish companies.

The Workshop lasted all day and there were opportunities to speak, share and analyze different cases of use of Blockchain and BIM applied to engineering and construction in all its phases of the value chain.

The construction sector ceased to be the same since the emergence of BIM (Building Information Modeling) technology. This collaborative methodology has made it possible to share information and data among professionals in the AEC sector (Architecture, Engineering and Construction). Now, as infrastructure construction and construction projects become more complex, collaboration between all the agents involved in these projects requires higher levels of BIM maturity and also requires the incorporation of other technologies, such as the blockchain.


Towards level 3 of BIM

BIM is structured in four levels, depending on the progressive degree of collaboration and sophistication.

    • * Level 0 BIM: work mechanics are manual and technology is barely used
    • * Level 1 BIM: some degree of cooperation and technological tools begin to be introduced
    • * Level 2 BIM: Increase collaboration and information accuracy
    • * Level 3 BIM: an efficient and safe environment is created for the coordination and flow of complex data, making full cooperation possible

during the entire construction, manufacturing and maintenance cycle.

The Spanish infrastructure construction and construction industry has left BIM level 0 behind, and is mostly installed at levels 1 and 2. The jump to BIM level 3 requires a whole new arsenal of tools and procedures that must be implanted in traditional professional environments, of low digitalization and little used to teamwork. This cultural and methodological change is necessary not only to benefit from more efficient procedures, but also because of the impending requirement of level 3 of BIM by the Administrations. An indispensable condition to attend public tenders both in Spain and in international markets, thus exercising the Public Administration the role of tractor in the acceleration towards the implementation of the most advanced BIM model.


Blockchain key trust

To reach that maximum level of efficiency and collaboration with adequate levels of transparency and security, the use of blockchain comes into play. The technology born together with the Bitcoin cryptocurrency stands as the essential component to build a transparent, safe and efficient ecosystem, capable of providing the necessary confidence for all parties – architects, designers, contractors, builders, operators, etc.- work on full collaboration schemes.

You can download a document generated by MINSAIT related to this topic in the following link.

More information about the event at